Warning: Input data for U.K. were generated by combining available data for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. For details, see Background and Documentation file.
Summary indicators of fertility level and timing
Age-specific counts, unconditional rates, cumulative rates, female population exposures
All birth orders combined | By birth order | |||||
year, age, cohort | year, age | year, cohort | year, age, cohort | year, age | year, cohort | |
Birth counts |
1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | 2013-2020 | 2013-2020 | 2013-2020 |
Female population exposure |
1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | - |
- |
- |
Age-specific fertility rates |
1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | 2013-2020 | 2013-2020 | 2013-2020 |
Cumulative fertility rates |
- |
1974-2020 | 1974-2020 | - |
2013-2020 | 2013-2020 |
Increment-decrement tables, conditional age-specific rates, exposures, PATFR
HFD parity estimates | Census- or register-based parity estimates | |
Fertility tables |
- |
- |
Female population exposure by parity |
- |
- |
Conditional age-specific fertility rates |
- |
- |
Parity- and age-adjusted TFR (PATFR) |
- |
- |
Table mean ages at birth |
- |
- |
HFD parity estimates | |
Fertility tables |
- |
Raw data on births and population used in computations
Years | |
Births |
- |
Births by month |
- |
Women by age and parity |
- |
Population size and deaths |
Human Mortality Database |
Notes |
References |
Map | |
Births |
- |
Population size |
- |
Death counts |
- |