Short-Term Fertility Fluctuations

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the HFD team established a new data resource: Short-Term Fertility Fluctuations (STFF) data series. The STFF series complements the HFD by providing up-to-date data on live births by month for selected countries.

STFF data are published under CC BY 4.0 license.

For citing STFF data, please follow the HFD data citation guidelines.

STFF data can also be explored using our online STFF visualization toolkit.

Here you can download the following data and documentations:

  • STFF Metadata: information about country-specific data and data sources.
  • STFF Methodological Note: description of this data project, including data collection, data processing, and methodology.
  • Crude birth counts and TFR (xlsx or pooled csv): monthly counts of live births and monthly and annual TFRs.

Crude indicators do not allow direct comparison across countries and over time as they are affected by seasonality in childbearing. To provide comparable indicators, we publish seasonally and calendar adjusted data.

  • Seasonally- and calendar-adjusted data (xlsx or pooled csv): monthly counts of live births and monthly TFRs for selected countries.
  • Original data (country-specific csv files in one zip file): original birth counts in standardized format.

Note: In many cases, data are preliminary and are therefore subject to revision. The STFF series is to be updated twice a year, around April and October.

Data availability

Last update: 15-05-2024
Country Crude data Seasonally- and calendar-adjusted data
Australia 01/2000–12/2021 -
Austria 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–06/2023
Belgium 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Bulgaria 01/2000–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
Canada 01/2000–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
Canada: Quebec 01/2010–01/2024 -
Chile 01/2000–06/2023 -
Croatia 01/2000–02/2024 -
Czechia 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–12/2023
Denmark 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–12/2023
Estonia 01/2000–02/2024 -
Finland 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
France 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
Germany 01/2000–11/2023 01/2012–11/2023
Greece 01/2000–09/2023 01/2012–09/2023
Greenland 01/2000–12/2023 -
Hungary 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
Iceland 01/2000–12/2022 -
Ireland 01/2005–07/2023 01/2012–07/2023
Israel 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Italy 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–12/2023
Japan 01/2000–10/2023 01/2012–10/2023
Latvia 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Lithuania 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–12/2023
Luxemboug 01/2000–12/2022 -
Netherlands 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
New Zealand 01/2000–06/2023 -
Norway 01/2000–12/2023 01/2012–12/2023
Poland 01/2000–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
Portugal 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Republic of Korea 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Romania 01/2000–02/2024 -
Russia 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Serbia 01/2000–02/2024 -
Singapore 01/2000–12/2023 -
Slovakia 01/2000–01/2024 -
Slovenia 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
Spain 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Sweden 01/2000–02/2024 01/2012–02/2024
Switzerland 01/2000–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
Taiwan 01/2000–022024 -
UK: England & Wales 01/2000–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
UK: Northern Ireland 01/2006–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
UK: Scotland 01/2000–01/2024 01/2012–01/2024
Ukraine 01/2000–01/2022 -
United Kingdom 01/2006–12/2022 01/2012–12/2022
USA 01/2000–09/2023 01/2012–09/2023
Pooled files csv icon csv icon